Blessed Solanus Casey's Journey to Sainthood
As we celebrate the journey of Detroit’s own Blessed Solanus Casey to Sainthood, we can each take our own personal journey of discovery.
How does a humble boy from Irish Immigrant parents rise to the rare and distinguished honor of beatification?
Who was Bernard Casey growing up? What decisions did he make in his life that set him on a path to become one of the few humans to walk the earth as a saint and to end up as a beacon of hope and prayers for those who believe?
What role did God play in each step of his remarkable pathway to sainthood?
What is the historical significance of the Capuchin Friars? Where did they originate and among many different Catholic orders, what was it about this particular one that impelled Blessed Solanus Casey to become a Capuchin-Franciscan Friar?
What would life have been like for a Capuchin Friar in Detroit in the 20s, 30s and 40s? What impact did they have on the community? When specifically did the journey to sainthood begin for Blessed Solanus Casey or was it preordained from his birth? How is sainthood decided? What constitutes a miracle in Catholic dogma? How has the power of prayer and faith helped others?
Emmy award-winning producer director Keith Famie, along with the crew at Visionalist Entertainment Productions, dedicated their time and technical expertise to tell the story of Blessed Solanus Casey’s Journey to Sainthood.
We delve deep into who the man in the habit was and what this will mean to the Motor City and, now, as he is revered among the most holy of icons in the Catholic Church, to the world.
Blessed Solanus Casey's Journey to Sainthood
As we celebrate the journey of Detroit’s own Blessed Solanus Casey to Sainthood, we can each take our own personal journey of discovery.
How does a humble boy from Irish Immigrant parents rise to the rare and distinguished honor of beatification?
Who was Bernard Casey growing up? What decisions...